The current slump in the electronics market began in 2021. Smartphone shipments versus a year earlier turned negative in 3Q 2021. The smartphone market declines in 2020 were primarily due to COVID-19 related production cutbacks. The current smartphone decline is due to weak demand. According to IDC, smartphone shipments were… Read more“Has electronics bottomed?”
Category: Archived
Semiconductor CapEx down in 2023
Semiconductor capital expenditures (CapEx) increased 35% in 2021 and 15% in 2022, according to IC Insights. Our projection at Semiconductor Intelligence is a 14% decline in CapEx in 2023, based primarily on company statements. The biggest cuts will be made by the memory companies, with a 19% drop. CapEx will… Read more“Semiconductor CapEx down in 2023”
Steep decline in 1Q 2023
The global semiconductor market dropped 8.7% in 1st quarter 2023 versus 4th quarter 2022, according to WSTS. This was the steepest quarter-to-quarter decline since a 14.7% drop in 1Q 2019. 1Q 2023 was down 21.3% from a year earlier, the largest year-to-year decline in thirteen years since a 30.4% drop… Read more“Steep decline in 1Q 2023”
Electronics production in decline
Shipments of PCs and smartphones were weak in 2022 and continue to decline in 2023. For the first quarter of 2023, IDC estimated PC shipments dropped 29% from a year earlier. This follows a 28% year-to-year decline in 4Q 2022. For the year 2022, PC shipments declined 16% from 2021,… Read more“Electronics production in decline”