CES 2023

CES 2023

Many interesting new products were introduced at CES 2023. Some were innovative and useful. Others had interesting technology but questionable utility. Still others seem destined to failure. Our Semiconductor Intelligence take on a variety of new products is below.


Lifeaz, a French company, showed an AI-powered home defibrillator which is designed to be easy to use including vocal commands. It currently sells in Europe for 1000 euro and should be available in the U.S. in 2024.



Timekettle displayed its WT2 Edge real-time translator earbuds. The company claims 95% accuracy in real-time translation of 40 languages. These seem like something out of Star Trek, except for some reason on Star Trek all the aliens spoke English. The device requires an internet connection. Sells for about $300.


German Bionic showed its powered exo-skeleton which provides 66 pounds of lifting assistance and provides walking assistance. The device won a CES 2023 Best of Innovation award.



The Water Dragon from Alarm.com monitors your home’s water system for potential leaks and provides information on water usage. It attaches to your main water line without the need for a plumber.



WORKX showed its Landroid Vision robot mower. The mower has a camera and a neural network to avoid obstacles and learn the layout of your yard. A Roomba for your lawn.



On a much larger scale, the John Deere autonomous tractor performs farming tasks using cameras, a neural network, and advanced GPS. A CES Best of Innovation award winner.




Numerous products for pets were on display at CES 2023. They seem designed for childless or empty nest households where pets are treated as part of the family.

Birdbuddy showed a smart bird feeder with a high-resolution camera which can alert the user when bird’s arrive and identify the species. It sells for $199.



GULIGULI demonstrated a smart pet companion robot. With a smartphone app, you can watch, talk to, and provide treats to your pet. The user can move the robot around to provide entertainment for their pet. It will be available in February for $179 to $199.



FluentPet provides a system of pads and buttons which it claims can allow your dog or cat to communicate with you. You can train your pet to press a button when it wants to play, go outside, eat, etc. and the system will send you a text.



Other pet products include a home pet grooming kit from Neakasa and a smart dog collar from Wagz which can create a virtual fence and locate your dog.


Several products shown at CES 2023 are questionable on whether people will buy and use them.

Skyted demonstrated a mask which will prevent mobile calls from being overheard. It is doubtful many people will want to wear this bulky mask. Based on my experience, most people do not care if they are overheard.



Some products tried to combine fashion with technology, which seldom works.

The Nova H1 audio earrings provide music or audio via Bluetooth from your smartphone. They are available in four styles and start at about $600.



Singer and dancer Paula Adbul was at CES 2023 to introduce IdolEyes fashion audio sunglasses which provide audio from your smartphone via Bluetooth. The glasses sell for $199.



LG introduced the OLED Flex, a 42-inch panel which can bend from flat (for TV viewing) to curved (for video gaming). The back has a rather large area for the bending mechanism which makes the depth of the TV about 12 inches compared to about a 2 inch depth for many LG TVs. The price is about $2500. You could by both a flat TV and a curved monitor for less. The product won a CES 2023 Best of Innovation Award. Innovative? Yes. Practical? Not so much.

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